Relaxium® Terms & Conditions | 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

Relaxium®: Our Company's Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions

If for any reason you are dissatisfied with any Relaxium product, we proudly stand behind our 30-day money back guarantee!

To receive a refund, less shipping & handling, please access our self-service Help Desk for immediate assistance at to obtain an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number to be included in your return package -- this will ensure your refund is credited to the correct account. Be sure to include your name, address & phone number, along with your RMA, inside the package and send to:

Relaxium -- Return
10701 Abercorn St
Unit 61553
Savannah, Ga 31419

All returned merchandise (minus your one trial bottle) must be unopened to receive a refund. Returned orders must be postmarked no more than 30 days from the date you received your order. Customers are responsible for all shipping costs. Once the return has been processed, allow 7-10 business days for the refund to be posted to your account. We strongly recommend keeping the return tracking number provided to you until your refund is posted.

We thank you for trying Relaxium!